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  • Writer's pictureSydney Cole

The Impossible becoming impossible

During the process of creating my constellation, I have been working on sewing the battery into the quilt. I came across a few problems on how I would map out the constellations. At the beginning of the project, I was going to make a quilt that as big enough to cover your body then figure out how to work with circuits and try a new thing called copper sewing sting. I was going to make the constellation fill-up the quilt. While working on this impossible project I have started to figure out that the circuit may not work as I want to if I try to make the copper sewing string stretch across a body-sized quilt. Also, I realized that trying to go bigger in every detail of this impossible project would take more time than I have. I have decided that I will be making my LED lights sewn into one of the nine squares of the quilt. I chose this for the reason that it seems to be more of a wise decision. There were problems when trying to using the copper sewing string, one of the problems was that it would not work with all seven of the LED lights. The copper sewing string would only work with one of the seven. The reason I think it wasn't working is that the copper sewing string wasn't strong enough to hold a current through it. I originally tested this circuit with alligator clips and it was working with all seven of the lights. The reason it was working with the alligator clips was the different materials it was made out of which made for a stronger current. I feel relieved that I tested this out before actually going straight into sewing it. I believed that it would work before testing it out and now I see that I was very wrong about that. ALWAYS test before you fully start! Something I have learned this year is, a positive and negative copper wire cannot make contact or it will cancel out or if there is discontinuation with copper and you try to fix it with another piece; more than likely it will not work. Another thing I have to think about is how to attach the copper sewing string tight enough and also not touching each other to get the lights to work. I'm going to tr t use regular sewing string to tie it tightly to the LED lights and the battery to make the pieces stable. I will be trying to make sure there will be no disconnection with the copper LED string. Last Thursday I mapped out where the stars are in the constellation and I attached the battery and battery holder onto the quilt. Next, I will attach the Led lights onto there spots and make a circuit that starts at the battery holder and wraps around to each point of the constellation (Where the LED lights are). I will make sure the copper sewing string does not cross for it to be fully functional. I will make sure the copper sewing string does not cross for it to be fully functional. After I make the circuit fully functional and working I will put a black fabric over it so it appears to be a constellation in the night sky. We are reaching the end of class and I am excited about presenting it to class. This constellation quilt would be great for anyone to work with because it helps understand circuits and raise your curiosity.

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